Pain is worth it. Now before you start thinking of how unsensitive I am, please hear me out. As hard as it is, pain is what makes us who we's what makes us appreciate all the good things in life and of course the people who are there for us in those times and God. It brings us closer to each other and to God. I believe as a Christian that God won't let us go through anything He knows we can't handle. Therefor pain is like an know? During times of severe pain and sorrow, I know it's hard to believe's hard enough just to get through each day, let alone breathe. To me it's such a relief to think of it that God knows best, so there ain't know way He's gonna make us go through more than He knows we can handle.
I don't know, I thought of this awhile back and I thought it was kinda cool...hope y'all enjoy it!
Laura t.