Always Loved

Hello, there! For the select few of you who have the link to this blog, and anyone else who happens to stumble across this, there are a few things I want you to know. For 1 thing, i am always going to be honest. This is where i share pieces of my heart, be it the beauty or the nasty things that happen. 2. You. Are. LOVED. It doesn't matter who you are or where you've been, or where you're going. You are loved, and you are a special treasure. I love you, even if I haven't met you, but more than me, there is a greater Love who loves you. Call him what you may, be it Allah, Yahweh, Jesus...He loves you so much! He spells it out in Creation and the little beauties that occur in life. He is ever present in pain and in strife. And He loves YOU.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

taking it back to the beginning...

i had to read Genesis for a class...and come up with questions it raised..which were several...but i noticed as i read it, and when i started reading some of it out loud to my dad, i felt an inner peace/contentment..there was a release inside right now i'm gonna do that again, just read it, not trying to look at it through spiritual eyes or academic eyes...just read it like it's the first time i saw it, and try to see what really might've happened way back then..gonna pretend that i have no prior knowledge to this moment right here, and right now, that this is truly my beginning...time to figure out if God is real and if can i know it? how can i love him again? how can i know him, if to know him is to love him and vice versa?

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